Seller Checklist When Preparing to Move Out of a Home

I am a fan of preparation and try to follow the old axiom, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” I recently wrote about how to strategize with buyers in preparation of the offer-negotiation choices that can hit. Now it’s time to give sellers equal attention to the preparation equation.

A Realtor® association in Florida claims real estate agents could perform some 230 actions, research steps, processes and reviews while performing a purchase or sale of a home. Truth be told, I track each of those steps when working with my clients and find myself needing to perform most of them. So, I know – and enjoy – following a proven list!

The same can be said for sellers as they prepare to move. To assist them, I often share a detailed list of 69 steps to take when planning to pack up and go. This list starts well in advance of leaving the home – about 3 months ahead of time – and takes sellers right up to the big day of leaving one place for the next. (This is not to be confused with a Repairing and Decluttering Seller’s Checklist that was shared on my blog earlier.)

To be honest, I’m proud of this nearly six-page, move-out checklist and will be happy to share it with anyone. Complete this form and, voilà!, you will immediately see the PDF on your screen, suitable for printing. (Here’s a thumbnail image of the cover page, right, even with a jagged-torn bottom for effect!)

Why am I doing this work? I found that my sellers needed a hand with subtle reminders along the journey to selling and, well, it follows the old axiom of being prepared. (Yes, I was a Scout as a kid and we learned early to follow the motto: Be Prepared.)

This is not an exhaustive list and I welcome your feedback, as much as I look forward to working with you soon!