A Commitment From This Realtor ®: Staying in Touch After a New Homeowner Moves In

This is a simple message from me to you – and it’s from the heart.

I truly enjoy helping Seattleites search for, identify and buy their new home. After working with me or simply reading my blog, you should have an inkling that I treat each buyer as a business partner – not as a “client” or “transaction.” We’re in this together!

In fact, it’s right there as part of my mission statement: “I promise to confidently guide buyers through the entire process, to communicate often and provide timely information about the best home that meet their needs.” And that includes continuing the relationship and meeting your needs after you have moved in.

Why? At John L. Scott, our business is transactional excellence but, as CEO Lennox Scott often says, “Our higher purpose is Living Life as a Contribution.”

I want to be a contribution for you, your family and your home, if allowed. I would like to stay in touch – to hear how you’re adapting to the new neighborhood. I can learn from the findings you share.

You too may want to stay in touch. Excellent! Tell me about your favorite coffee shop, dry cleaner or walking trail. I love recommendations (especially if you wish to recommend my services or refer a friend). Equally, I can keep you up to date with property values in your area or put you on my mailing list to receive the Will Springer Realtor monthly newsletter. Who wouldn’t want to know where home prices are heading and which neighbors are selling, plus read local insights in a colorful and fact-filled newsletter?

With any new home, you will have questions or possibly concerns about the place. Feel free to run them by me or with your home warranty company. In addition, I can refer you to a host of vendors – landscapers, handymen, painters, roofers – with whom John L. Scott brokers have had positive experiences.

The end of the home purchase should not mean an end to our association.

Enjoy your new abode and let’s keep in touch!

(This concludes the home-buying series. We hope you enjoyed the 30-part package of blog posts. You can see the full list of posts from this central resource. Please think about sharing this helpful guide to friends – or a link to my website – seeking to learn more about the buyer experience.)